Sunday, 21 September 2008

Eddie Vedders Tribute Song for the CUBS . .

Eddie Vedder performed his new song 'All the Way' during a solo performance here in CHICAGO last month - He wrote this song especially for the CUBS!! I love the song and it is currently burning up the radiowaves around here at the moment. Check it out. . .
GO CUBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Our little Preschooler

Little K started Preschool last week and oh what an experience it has been. The first day he was ok until we got there - then it was cling on and lots of tears but a happy boy when I picked him up. The second day was worse which I had expected. A half hour before we went it was 'I don't want to go to preschool, I want to stay home'- 'send Quincy mommy'- I don't want to be a big boy, I am too little for preschool'. I have to give him credit he was giving me the serious guilt trip and it was working. Then it was a fight to get him into the car and he screamed the whole way there. I had to drag him back out of the car and he was kicking and screaming 'don't leave me, please don't leave me'. It was horrible. Luckily his teachers were happy to just take the poor kid off my hands and deal with it in their own little way. And again a very happy boy when I picked him up. Monday was a few tears on the way and the teachers said only 30 seconds of crying after I left. And Today . . . NOT one single tear. He marched right on in there, stood in line and 'said by mom, see ya in a couple weeks.' It was pretty funny and such a relief from the previous experience. I know he is loving it, he just isn't willing to admit that yet. It has been good for both of us to have a little space and great for him to gain some independence. With a little bribery from daddy and grandpa- anything is possible!!!!

6 months old

I cant believe this baby is already 6 months old. These kids grow WAY too fast. This is what Quincy has been up to lately. . .

  • sleeping through the night- FINALLY
  • teething- I noticed her first tooth on our flight back to Chicago
  • eating solids
  • rolling, rolling and more rolling
  • lots of giggles - mostly at Kalem
  • almost sitting up (if kalem would leave her alone long enough to do so)
She has been such a good baby. How are we ever so lucky to have been blessed with 2 good babies? We thought for sure since Kalem was so easy, Quincy would be hard to handle- but she has proved us wrong. She is such a sweet little thing. She may give us a run for our money once she gets movin and talkin - especially if shes anything like her dad which he claims she is going to be. But as for now we will enjoy our little girl at 6 months old!

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Home sweet Home. . .

Well we don't really know what to consider home these days but since we lived in Utah for 6 of our married years together we will consider that home. Every time we visit it just feels like home so until another state is lucky to have us there long enough or until that 'feels like home' feeling goes away, I guess Utah is still our HOME SWEET HOME.

We had yet another fabulous trip home over the last few weeks. We are so lucky to have both of our families in Utah (at the moment) tho they may be spread about the state it is nice that they are all there. As I was looking through all our pictures I kept thinking, oh I loved that and ew I really loved that and that was so much fun - so this post is just going to be a bunch of pictures of us doing the things we love with the people we love the most. . .

love cousins

love Aunts
(and Uncles too)

love grammas and granpas

love hunting and fishing

love bear lake

love pine valley

and somehow (i don't know how) I didn't get any pictures of our friends this time round. But. . . we love you guys too and as always it was GREAT to see you and spend an evening playin a little Nerts.