Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Problem Solved. . .

The other day Kalem was playing with his toys down in the basement and I was right next to him on the computer. He says to me, ''I need to go to the bathroom.'' To which I respond ''GO.'' We go through this everyday- he is fully potty trained and doesn't need my help anymore with the whole process but for some reason he still feels the need to tell me every time he has to go. So I guess he decided he didn't have to go that bad and continues playing. Then he says to me a few minutes later ''Mom, they forgot to put a bathroom down here, didn't they??'' (this isn't the first time he has made that comment) I said, '' YEP, they sure did but we are lucky there is a bathroom at the top of the stairs so go on!'' I was way too involved in whatever I was doing online that I didn't notice him run upstairs, grab his portable potty and bring it back down here. I look over and this is what I see. . .


camihubrich said...

That is awesome. You've got a genius on your hands.

Rachie said...

Funny. That is classic! I will have to think about that the next time I am working on something and I don't want to bother using the toilet.

Kelly said...

That is too funny! Way to think outside the box Kalem. We miss you guys!

KAMIE said...

That is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!! So proud he is my nephew!!!

Sheila said...

He is so cute- have just shown the picture to Jamie! He wants to come over and play right now!!!! Speak soon xxx

kimberly said...

He is quite the multi-tasker! That is hilarious!