This is a classic example of how different Kalem and Quincy are. I don't think I have EVER seen Kalem get this dirty and here she is eating it. . . that's my girl!!
Talon is the same way!! He loves to eat the dirt and get him hands in it. So funny that's it's Quincy that loves to get dirty and Kalem loves to be clean. Gotta love em!
Talon is the same way!! He loves to eat the dirt and get him hands in it. So funny that's it's Quincy that loves to get dirty and Kalem loves to be clean. Gotta love em!
So cute!!! Yum yum!!! Make some mud pies for me...quincy!!!
So cute! I can't believe how big she is getting!
Robbie used to eat dirt too, and Jamie never did!! Still gorgeous, even covered in dirt!! xx
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